Create Custom Dashboards in Zoho CRM: Step-by-Step Guide

Want to build powerful custom dashboards in Zoho CRM? Here’s a quick overview:

  1. Access the dashboard tool in Zoho CRM
  2. Plan your dashboard metrics and layout
  3. Add charts, tables, and data connections
  4. Customize appearance and add filters
  5. Share with team members and set permissions

Key benefits:

  • Get a bird’s-eye view of your business
  • Make data-driven decisions faster
  • Tailor dashboards to your specific needs
Feature Benefit
Real-time data Always up-to-date insights
Customizable layout Focus on what matters most
Shareable Collaborate with your team
Mobile-friendly Access on the go

Ready to supercharge your Zoho CRM? Let’s dive in and create your custom dashboard.

Before you start

Let’s set you up for dashboard creation success in Zoho CRM:

Getting Zoho CRM access

Zoho CRM

You’ll need:

  1. A Zoho CRM account
  2. The right permissions
Role Can Create Dashboards?
Server Administrator Yes
Manager Yes
Regular User No

Not sure about your role? Ask your Zoho CRM admin.

Know your Zoho CRM data

Understanding your data is crucial. Get familiar with:

  • Modules (Leads, Contacts, Deals, etc.)
  • Fields in each module
  • How data connects

Zoho CRM lets you input data through:

  • Web Forms
  • Import tools
  • CRM migration

Dive into your CRM’s data structure. It’ll help you pick the best metrics and visuals for your dashboard.

Finding the dashboard tool

Here’s how to get to the dashboard in Zoho CRM:

  1. Log in to Zoho CRM
  2. Find the main menu
  3. Click "Dashboards" or "Analytics"

Once there, you’ll see your existing dashboards and an option to make a new one. The interface lets you add charts and graphs to track important metrics.

For instance, the Functions dashboard shows:

  • Total function calls
  • Credits consumed
  • Utilized vs. unutilized calls

This helps you keep tabs on your CRM usage.

Heads up: Zoho CRM only keeps function logs for 30 days.

To make a new dashboard:

  1. Hit "Create" in the side panel
  2. Pick "New Dashboard"
  3. Use "Edit Design" to build it out

Note: Only Server Admins and Managers can create dashboards. If you can’t, check your permissions with your Zoho CRM admin.

Planning your dashboard

Creating a custom dashboard in Zoho CRM? Let’s make it count. Here’s how to pick what matters:

Key numbers to show

Focus on metrics that drive your business. Think:

  • Sales trends
  • Deal sizes
  • Conversion rates
  • Customer costs
  • Churn
  • Lead growth

Pro tip: Stick to 5-7 key metrics. More isn’t always better.

Where to get data

Zoho CRM offers a buffet of data sources:

1. CRM modules (Leads, Deals, Contacts)

Your bread and butter. Direct from the source.

2. Website analytics (if connected)

See how your online presence translates to leads.

3. Customer feedback

The voice of your clients, quantified.

4. Sales activity logs

Track your team’s hustle.

Need more muscle? Zoho Analytics lets you:

  • Mix data from everywhere
  • Filter like a pro
  • Crunch custom numbers
Dashboard Use Case Data
Zoho CRM Quick looks, live updates CRM modules, some add-ons
Zoho Analytics Deep dives, data from everywhere Multiple systems, even non-Zoho

Before you build, ask:

  1. Who’s using this?
  2. What decisions will it power?
  3. How fresh should the data be?

Plan smart, and your dashboard will be a game-changer.

Making your dashboard step-by-step

Let’s build your Zoho CRM dashboard from scratch. Here’s how:

Starting a new dashboard

Click the "+" button in the top right corner. Name your dashboard, choose modules, pick a type, and hit "Create". Simple as that.

Picking a dashboard layout

Zoho CRM gives you flexible m x n layouts. You can add up to 10 tabs, each with its own layout. Here’s how:

1. Open the Workspace and click "Create"

2. Select "New Dashboard"

3. Click "Add Tab" for more tabs

Choose your dashboard size:

  • Web (Fit to Width)
  • Fixed sizes (A3, A4, Letter, Tabloid)

Adding charts and tables

Zoho Analytics makes this a breeze:

  1. Access the chart designer
  2. Drag and drop to create charts
  3. Pick from Bar, Line, Pie, Bubble, and more
Chart Type Best For
Bar Category comparisons
Line Time trends
Pie Parts of a whole
Bubble Three-variable comparisons

Connecting data to charts

Link your charts to data:

  1. Drag columns to the Chart Designer area
  2. Drop them into X-Axis, Y-Axis, Color, Text, and Tooltip
  3. Use Sum, Count, Average, Min, and Max to summarize data

Making it look good

Spruce up your dashboard:

  1. Arrange widgets for easy reading
  2. Customize colors, labels, and titles
  3. Resize components by dragging borders
  4. Copy-paste dimensions between components

Now you’ve got a slick, functional Zoho CRM dashboard. Happy analyzing!

More dashboard options

Let’s dive into some advanced features to supercharge your Zoho CRM dashboard.

Adding filters

Want to give users more control? Add filters:

  1. Open dashboard in edit mode
  2. Click on your chart
  3. Enable "Show Legend Filter" in settings
  4. Pick filter columns

Now users can toggle data series right from the legend. Simple, but powerful.

Making clickable charts

Let’s add some interactivity:

  1. Select your chart
  2. Find "Chart Drill Down" in settings
  3. Choose your drill-down type

Here’s a real-world example: A TechCorp sales manager used clickable charts to analyze Q4 2022. Clicking on a top-performing month revealed product category breakdowns, leading to smarter inventory choices.

Using date ranges

Date ranges help spot trends. Here’s how:

  1. Add a user filter on a Date column
  2. Set up date range selection
  3. Link to your charts and tables
Date Range When to use
Last 7 days Track weekly performance
Current month Monitor monthly goals
Custom range Compare quarters or years

These tweaks can turn a good dashboard into a great one. Give them a try!

Organizing your dashboard

A good dashboard layout makes your Zoho CRM data more useful. Here’s how to set it up right:

Group similar info

Put related numbers and charts together. This helps users spot connections fast.

For example, cluster sales widgets:

  • Sales pipeline chart
  • Revenue by product table
  • Top salesperson board

Now sales managers can see team performance in one spot.

Clear layout

Arrange items for easy understanding. Put the most important stuff top left – that’s where eyes go first.

Try a grid:

Top Left Top Right
Key metrics Sales funnel
Revenue chart Customer satisfaction

This guides users through your data naturally.

Pro tip: Use white space. Don’t cram too much in one area. Let each widget breathe for better reading.

Your layout should tell a data story. Guide users through it logically.


Adding extra features

Want your Zoho CRM dashboard to do more? Here’s how:

Connecting with other Zoho apps

Link up other Zoho tools for a complete view:

Now you’ve got your whole business at a glance.

Setting up auto-updates

Keep your dashboard fresh automatically:

1. Go to dashboard settings

2. Pick how often to update (hourly, daily, weekly)

3. Choose which data to refresh

Your team always sees the latest numbers. No manual work needed.

Setting up alerts

Get a heads-up when important stuff changes:

Metric Alert Condition Notification Method
Sales Below 80% of target Email to sales manager
Lead conversion Over 25% Slack message to marketing
Customer satisfaction Under 4.5/5 SMS to customer service lead

Spot trends fast and act on them.

"Zoho CRM packs big-company features at a great price. The integrations are top-notch, and their support is fantastic." – Chris Hurst, MID Communications Ltd.

Checking and improving

After setting up your Zoho CRM dashboard, let’s make sure it’s doing its job. Here’s how to check data accuracy and get feedback from your team.

Checking data accuracy

To make sure your dashboard’s showing the right stuff:

1. Compare dashboard data with Zoho CRM records

Does everything match up? If your dashboard says you’ve got 100 new leads this month, double-check that in your CRM’s lead module.

2. Set up regular data audits

Pick a day each week or month to catch any weird numbers early on.

3. Use Zoho CRM’s built-in data validation tools

These can help you spot and fix data entry mistakes that might mess up your dashboard.

Data Check Frequency Responsible Team
Sales figures Daily Sales managers
Lead counts Weekly Marketing team
Customer satisfaction scores Monthly Customer service

Getting user opinions

Your team’s thoughts can make your dashboard even better:

1. Run a quick survey

Ask your team these questions:

  • Which metrics do you actually use?
  • What’s missing that you need?
  • Is the layout clear, or is it confusing?

2. Watch people use it

Sit with your team as they use the dashboard. Notice if they get stuck or frustrated anywhere.

3. Hold a feedback session

Get everyone together to talk about the dashboard. You might hear things like:

"The sales pipeline chart is great, but we need to see conversion rates at each stage." – Sarah, Sales Manager at SEMCO

4. Make changes

Update the dashboard based on what you learn. Then, check back to see if it helped.

Sharing with others

You’ve built your custom Zoho CRM dashboard. Now, let’s get it to your team.

Setting who can see what

Zoho CRM uses Roles and Profiles to manage dashboard access:

  1. Go to dashboard sharing settings
  2. Pick permissions for each user or group

Here’s a quick look at permission levels:

Permission View Edit Share
View Only Yes No No
Edit Yes Yes No
Full Access Yes Yes Yes

You might give your sales team view-only access, but let managers edit.

Working together on dashboards

Zoho CRM has tools for team dashboard collaboration:

  • Comments: Leave feedback on dashboard elements
  • Edit History: See dashboard changes over time
  • Notifications: Get alerts for updates or comments

Tips for effective teamwork:

  • Set a dashboard review schedule
  • Assign a dashboard owner
  • Use clear names for shared dashboards

Tips for good dashboards

Want to make your Zoho CRM dashboards pop? Here’s how:

Making it work on phones

Your team’s always on the move. Make sure your dashboard keeps up:

  • Shrink it down: Use layouts that fit any screen
  • Highlight what matters: Put the big numbers front and center
  • Keep it simple: Ditch complex charts for mobile
  • Test, test, test: Check it on different phones

Speeding up loading times

Nobody likes to wait. Make your dashboard snappy:

  • Don’t overdo it: Fewer widgets = faster load times
  • Smart data pulls: Use efficient queries
  • Trim the fat: Optimize those images
  • Cache in: Enable caching when you can

Keeping the look consistent

A messy dashboard is hard to read. Keep it clean:

  • Pick a palette: Stick to one color scheme
  • Font fanatic: One font family across the board
  • Line it up: Align your elements neatly
  • Chart harmony: Use similar styles for all charts

Fixing common problems

Even great dashboards can have issues. Here’s how to tackle some common problems in Zoho CRM custom dashboards.

When numbers don’t match

Spot data mismatches? Do this:

  • Check your data sources
  • Verify dashboard metrics
  • Compare with raw CRM data

If things don’t add up, tweak your widgets or adjust data filters.

Charts not showing up

Blank charts? Try these:

1. Check your internet

2. Refresh the dashboard

3. Clear browser cache

4. Re-add the chart

Still stuck? Reach out to Zoho CRM support.

Access problems

Sharing shouldn’t be hard. To fix access issues:

  • Review dashboard sharing settings
  • Check CRM user permissions
  • Confirm user access rights
Access Level View Dashboard Edit Dashboard Share Dashboard
Read-only Yes No No
Edit Yes Yes No
Full Access Yes Yes Yes


Custom dashboards in Zoho CRM are game-changers. Here’s why:

They give you a bird’s-eye view of your business. No more digging through endless reports. Everything you need? Right there, in real-time.

Want to make better decisions? These dashboards have your back. They turn complex data into easy-to-understand visuals. Spot trends, catch issues early, and make smart moves.

Here’s the kicker: you can tailor them to fit YOUR needs. Sales, marketing, customer service – whatever your focus, there’s a dashboard for that.

Let’s break it down:

1. Plan it out

Think about what really matters to your business. Pick your key metrics and data sources.

2. Build it up

Start fresh, choose a layout, and add your charts. Connect your data and watch it come to life.

3. Make it shine

Group similar stuff together. Keep it clean and clear. Add filters to zoom in on what matters.

4. Polish and perfect

Double-check your data. Ask your team what they think. Tweak as needed.

5. Share the wealth

Set who sees what. Get your team on board and collaborating.

Bottom line? These dashboards aren’t just pretty charts. They’re powerful tools that help you make smarter, faster decisions. And in today’s business world? That’s gold.

Area Dashboard Magic
Sales See what’s hot, who’s crushing it
Marketing Track campaigns, watch those leads roll in
Customer Service Keep tabs on response times and happy customers
Inventory Never run out, always be prepared
Production Hit those targets, fulfill orders like a boss

Custom dashboards in Zoho CRM? They’re not just nice to have. They’re your secret weapon for staying ahead of the game.


How to build a dashboard in Zoho CRM?

Building a custom dashboard in Zoho CRM isn’t rocket science. Here’s how:

  1. Name your dashboard
  2. Add a description
  3. Set sharing permissions
  4. Add components
Step Action Tips
1 Enter Dashboard Name Keep it simple
2 Add Description Explain key metrics
3 Select Users Think about data privacy
4 Add Components Focus on critical metrics

Pick metrics that matter for your business. A sales dashboard might show:

  • Total revenue
  • Number of leads
  • Average deal size
  • Sales pipeline stages

To make your dashboard shine:

Use filters, arrange components logically, and keep it up-to-date.

Remember: Your dashboard is only as good as the data it displays. Keep it relevant, and it’ll become your go-to tool for quick insights.

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