Get Japanese Address from post code using Zoho Creator Deluge

Zoho Creator Deluge

The Requirement

Input 7 digit Japanese postal code (###-####) and get the address.

Language Usede Address from post code using Zoho CreatoLanguage Used

Zoho Creator Deluge

Data Source

Deluge Code

Below is the function that takes 7 digits postal code as two inputs (first 3 digits and second 4 digits) and returns an address.

map postal.get_address(string first_three, string second_four)
this_address = map();
first_three_len = ifnull(input.first_three,"").length();
second_four_len = ifnull(input.second_four,"").length();
if ((first_three_len == 3) && (second_four_len == 4))
postal_code = input.first_three + input.second_four;
data_url = "" + input.first_three + ".js";
str = getUrl(data_url);
value_map = str.toMap();
my_map = (value_map.get(postal_code)).toMap();
jp_address = ((my_map.get("perfecture_jp")) + my_map.get("jp_add_1")) + my_map.get("jp_add_2");
eng_address = ((my_map.get("prefecture")) +" " + my_map.get("city")) + " " + my_map.get("town");
this_address.put("jp_address", jp_address);
this_address.put("eng_address", eng_address);
return this_address;